Adapting to New Norms

This shouldn’t be news to anyone. We have been dealing with the current situation for well over a month now, and that means that some of us are finally adapting to some new normalities in our lives. Whether you think it is a good idea or not, there have been tons of changes with what we once knew as our daily routines. That is because most of us are itching to get some sort of normalcy in our lives, so we adapt. Even though it can be hard to see anything good come out of a tragic time like now, there is a silver lining to it all (you may just have to look a little harder for it and I may have a solution for you.)

Crazy to think that something good can come out of something so bad, right? Not really. If you’re looking in the right direction, there is always something good to come out of the bad. It may not happen right away, but it’s always there waiting for you to find it. We might even be able to help you find it!

PSA: This is an opinion, not necessarily fact and is also based on our area.

Before this year, I am sure that most of us have never heard of “social distancing” and this has now been a phrase used by most people on the daily (even those who are essential and have been working during everything.) I feel like this is going to be a regularly used phrase for the unforseeable future. What does that mean? Smaller gatherings of people, less touching – I’m sad to say that the days of handshakes and hugs when you see someone will fade out, so first impressions will be a little different now – but don’t let me get you down. Like I said before, there is a silver lining to all of this. Even though the gatherings won’t be a large, it doesn’t mean that they won’t happen at all.

In Pennsylvania, privately-owned campgrounds were allowed to open as of May 1st. We had people staying with us that weekend! See…silver lining. The gatherings are much smaller, but families are getting out and spending time together. The change of scenery helps immensely. There are plenty of ways to social distance at a campground and the fresh air does everyone good!

The orders have caused some difficutly for certain aspects at campgrounds though, like the activities. One of the highlights of camping is doing the activities they provide and with the social distancing orders it is a little more difficult to make these activities happen. We aren’t giving up though and neither are other campgrounds that we have been following! I, personally, have enjoyed seeing all of the creative ways that campgrounds are interacting with their campers (and I’ve been trying a few of my own, so make sure you check out all of Hickory Hollow Campground’s social accounts!) Campgrounds have been adapting to the situation and people are responding so well.

Another big positive, people have been coming together. Amongst the bad, I have never seen so many people coming together and helping one another out. It’s amazing to see and humbling knowing that there is some good in the bad. Everything from supporting small businesses, offering services, or even making masks (which I feel is going to be another norm for a while…) There has been people coming out of the works who have been working so hard to keep others going.

Just keep in mind that there is always good, even when it may not be easy to see amongst the hard times. If you want to know what you can do to help, here’s a few simple ideas to help out:

  • Support small businesses (like campgrounds, plus it’s nice to get outside!)
  • Check on your family, friends, and neighbors (especially if they are alone during this time)
  • Check on your essential people – they are just as stressed out, maybe even more!
  • Take care of yourself! You’re not good for anyone else if you don’t make sure you’re taken care of first!

Just because we are having to adapt to a new normal, doesn’t mean that we can’t live our lives. Get out there, spend some time with family, and go camping! Always remember, the Great Outdoors is never canceled!

Staying Connected during Quarantine

Even though we are to be keeping our distance (6 feet or more to be exact…), it is important to stay connected to our friends, family members, and even the campers sharing the campground with you. We know how important these people are to each of our lives, so we should be checking in on them (and hoping that they would return the favor). It is so hard not to go stircrazy at a time like this and feel alone, but you aren’t! There are tons of people out there in the same situation as you, so why shouldn’t we work together and keep each other sane?

At Hickory Hollow Campground, we are working on our activity schedule. I know, sounds crazy right? How can you plan activities that will follow guidelines of social distancing at a campground? Well that’s exactly what we are working on. Finding ways to keep our campers engaged and interacting with each other, while continuing to be safe and healthy! There are a lot of ways to communicate and interact with others, without actually being near them. So whether you’re camping or not, try out some of these ways engage with others. Then tell us what you tried and if it worked for you (or give us ideas of your own!)

  1. Group Chats/Groups (i.e. Facebook, snapchat, messages, etc.)
    Make a group chat with your closest friends or family members and make it a point to at least do a “check-in” with them once a day. It will make you feel better and make others feel cared about. This is important for everyone in order to avoid feeling so isolated at times. Set an alarm and send a little message. It doesn’t even have to be elaborate or super specific, just a “Hey, how’s everyone doing today?” message will be plenty to get the conversation started. Even if someone doesn’t feel like chatting, you still put forth the effort to make them feel important. There are also tons of great apps that have come out to play games with friends from afar like Houseparty or even on snapchat or iphones!

    A camper from Hickory Hollow made a suggestion for us to start a private Facebook group for our campers to post and talk, and I loved the idea! This group is for our campers to talk and share ideas and activities to other campers. I felt like this was such a great idea to get more of our campers talking to one another and show that we are #camperstrong during this time. I am also, personally, a member of a group called Power of Positivity which is used just for people to post positive and inspirational posts to lift each other up. These are both great environments to be engaged in and show that no one is alone right now.
  2. Facetime/Zoom
    I know some of you are craving that face-to-face connection and reading words on a screen just doesn’t do it for you. Trust me I get it! There are ways to get around that too without even leaving your home (or RV)! Anyone who has a smartphone has the capability of using video calls or facetime. There is also this great meeting tool that I’ve used personally (and have seen/heard about lots of others using it too!) that gives you the opportunity to see, chat (written or verbally), and screen share too! There are probably tons of other great uses, but these sold it for me when I used it. If you haven’t used Zoom yet, you’re missing out! (Skype is also a very similar platform.) Sometimes it’s nice to see a smiling familiar face, so I promise you won’t regret doing this with someone you care about and they will appreciate it too. Houseparty works like this as well!
  3. Movie Streaming
    This is something that I am excited to try at the campground. There is this great app called Netflix Party which allows multiple people to watch the same movie together wherever they may be. So talk to a group of your friends, pick a movie, get your favorite quarantine snacks and watch your favorite movie together! It even includes a group chat, so you can talk to your friends while watching the movie. I seriously cannot wait to try this as an activity at the campground since our movie nights were such a hit last year!
  4. Letter Writing
    I know this sounds old-fashioned, but this is such a simple and sentimental way to reach out to others during our social distancing. Find some fancy paper (or really any paper will do), use your neatest handwriting, and write a letter to someone you know! I love this idea for the campground, especially since we are in walking distance of one another (if you aren’t at a campground do this for your neighbors!) People will appreciate the thought and effort you put into a letter and it can be saved as a keepsake – I’m a sucker for memory boxes.

    If you are concerned about spreading germs this way, please be informed that porous materials, such as paper, only holds the contaminates for about 24 hours, so if you are concerned you can leave your mail “quarantined” for that amount of time and you will be good to go!

These are just a few ideas for you to stay connected with others while continuing to social distance! There are so many different activities that people are creating to help everyone during this time, you just have to figure out what you want to do! If you have any other ideas, leave a comment below.

We will be doing videos on our Youtube Channel with different crafts and activities, who knows maybe your thoughts and ideas will end up there too! Make sure you’re subscribed and following our socials for Hickory Hollow Campground (buttons at the top of this page).

Social Distancing in the Great Outdoors!

As each of us try to find our way during these uncertain times, it is nice to think that the great outdoors is still available to us (depending on your circumstance it may be easier for some than others, but there are always options!) I hope this post can bring some ease to anyone willing to get out there and enjoy everything that the great outdoors still has to offer.

Before I get into any tips for social distancing, there are some precautions you should take prior to venturing outside. Please be sure to follow any official guidelines put in place by the CDC, and your state officials. Some of the general rules are staying at least 6 feet apart from others, avoiding large groups (10+), wash your hands regularly or use an alcohol based hand sanitizer, if you do not have access to running water. We want everyone to have a good time, but stay safe and healthy in the process!

Tip #1 Avoid areas that are popular
Try going somewhere near home (if possible) that is not largely populated. A lot of State parks have a large amount of trails which is great, however during this time a lot of people tend to flock to those areas. Try finding a less taken trail if you plan on going to a park. If this is not an option for you, hang out in your backyard or any wooded area near your home (be sure to be prepared for bugs though! especially ticks!!!) If you don’t have a backyard or a wooded area nearby, just take a walk around your block. The fresh air and scenery will do wonders for your mood!

Tip #2 Limit what you touch
If you are out an about, avoid making any unnecessary stops. If you need to stop somewhere make sure you take the time to wash your hands regularly. Try to avoid going to any stores or anywhere that could be populated with people (much like tip #1).

Tip #3 Stick with your immediate family
The best people for you to hang out with right now are those who are within your household. For their safety, as well as others it is better to limit being with people outside of your home. This is the best time to find things to do with the people in your home that you don’t normally get to do. Plan a picnic in your backyard or go on a scavenger hunt. As long as you are following guidelines, you can do all kinds of activities with your family. This is a much safer option for you and your family.

Tip #4 Be Aware
Make sure you are staying up to date with any closures or regulations being put into place. Do you research first. There may be areas near you perfect for getting out and social distancing, but please be considerate of others who may be doing the same. Check into some of your favorite places to see if they have any options for you to do without putting yourself or anyone else at risk.

Tip #5 Plan ahead
If you don’t have the option of getting outside, this is the perfect opportunity for you to plan your next vacation. Do some research and look into areas you have always wanted to go and see. You may even have some virtual options to check out that give you a lot of information or that let you tour the area you’re interested in. You may not be able to reserve places and activities, but it doesn’t hurt to plan ahead so that your future endeavors can be perfect and fun for everyone!

Now I understand that not all of these are possible for every person, but even if one person gets anything out of this it is a plus. The most important fact is that everyone is healthy and safe during this time. We hope that the circumstances get resolved sooner rather than later, but we never know what the future may hold.